Success Story4-H Poultry Project Demonstrates Progressive Experiences
4-H Poultry Project Demonstrates Progressive Experiences
Author: Janet Turley
Planning Unit: Warren County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Youth in Agriculture & Natural Resources 2024
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky’s #1 agricultural industry is poultry, employing 7,000 direct jobs. It is important that youth learn about this industry that generates $900 million annually. Poultry also has several health benefits including a great source of nutrients and lean protein. With the obesity epidemic, learning the benefits of eating poultry will help Americans achieve a healthier weight.
To introduce youth to the importance of the poultry industry, Warren County started a poultry club in 2012. Currently, the 4-H Poultry Club is an active club in Warren County that meets year-round. The club focuses on several different projects including: Hatching Projects (starting new flocks for 4-H members), Communication Projects (Show and Tell presentations during monthly club meetings), Poultry Judging (carcass judging, meat parts, egg judging), Avian Bowl (academic type questions focusing on nutritional information on the chicken, turkey, and eggs, and the poultry industry including production), Chicken/Turkey BBQ (teaching youth how to grill poultry), Egg Preparation (teaching youth how to prepare dishes with eggs), and poultry showmanship (teaching youth how to prepare their chicken for exhibition contests).
Annually, members practice what they’ve learned by competing at state and national contests. These contests include Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, Chicken BBQ, Turkey BBQ, Egg Demonstration contests, and Poultry Showmanship. In 2023, 4-H members won five state championship titles in poultry judging, avian bowl, and chicken BBQ. In the last six years, Warren County 4-H members have competed in five national contests reaping one national championship title.
Twenty club members have their own flocks, many of them creating their flocks from the hatching projects. These members produce eggs for their family saving $$$ from the high cost of inflation at the grocery store. Several members also sell eggs to consumers, one budding entrepreneurial 4-H member sells 50 dozen eggs per month.
Christopher Sweets has been a 4-H Poultry Project member for 7 years, when asked what he has learned in the poultry club, he says, “I have learned so much through my experiences, from leadership and mentorship, all the way down to the knowledge and hard work of taking care of a backyard flock”. “Club leader Julie Sweets says, “I enjoy seeing the excitement in 4-H youth when learning about poultry and sharing ideas and experiences as they start their own poultry projects."
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