Success StoryAquaculture Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Aquaculture Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Author: Kathryn Mitchell
Planning Unit: KSU Aquaculture
Major Program: Aquaculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems – Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Kathryn Mitchell and Dr. Durborow
Aquaculturists must maintain healthy fish and good water quality parameters. Fish that are not well maintained, become stressed, which increases the chance of disease. The fish disease diagnostic laboratory is crucial to farmers, we are able to diagnosis and treat diseased fish, as well as recommend prevention methods and good husbandry practices.
During the impact period (January 1, 2018 – March 31, 2018), 20 fish disease cases were performed at the Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems Aquaculture Division’s Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. Of the 20 disease cases diagnosed, 10 were from private growers and 10 were from universities and other governmental agencies.
Accurately diagnosing diseases and recommending appropriate treatments has an approximate value of $3000 per case to private fish producers, so these 10 cases saved the aquaculture industry in Kentucky and surrounding states approximately $30,000.00. The non-private cases helped university researchers to successfully complete their research projects and helped state fish and wildlife agencies to successfully produce sufficient numbers of fish for stocking public waters.
The Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory not only benefits clients financially, it provides accurate information to farmers and helps them to make informed, educated decisions.
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