Success StorySurveying Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Kentucky Corn Fields
Surveying Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Kentucky Corn Fields
Author: Kiersten Wise
Planning Unit: Plant Pathology
Major Program: Plant Disease ID
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Corn nematodes have the potential to be yield-limiting pests of Kentucky corn. However, there comprehensive surveys to understand corn nematode distribution in Kentucky have been limited. Surveys began in 2019 and were repeated in 2020 and 2023. This year, County Agents sampled over 40 fields across 13 Kentucky counties. At least one species of nematode was detected in every sample submitted, with spiral, lesion, and lance nematodes detected most frequently. Root-knot nematodes were detected in one county, which is a new confirmation for Kentucky. Needle and stubby root nematodes were not detected in any samples; these are exceptionally damaging species on corn. Nematode levels and species varied widely across the sampled counties, and within a county. These results are being analyzed with previous year survey results and will be distributed to Agents to help with questions about corn nematodes in their counties.
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