Success StorySeed Potato Giveaway
Seed Potato Giveaway
Author: Jennifer Palmer
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Accessing healthy foods & improving local food systems
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem access to healthy foods and first time gardeners in Jefferson County. This program was impactful to help citizens of Jefferson County grow food especially low income residents.
The educational program response was overwhelming to the seed potato giveaway. The first giveaway was 800lb and they were gone within one day. I was then able to arrange another 2,950 lbs of seed potatoes to be given away for planting. The NEP growing guide was used for the program on how to grow potatoes.
The participants/target audience - gardeners and first time growers in Jefferson county.
Other partners (if applicable) Caudill Seed Company
Prude Extension - Gina Anderson - 800 lb
Program impact or participant response. Researching the price per lb of seed potatoes and that 3,750 lbs were given away the value would be $59,962.50 for those seed potatoes that were given away to the residents of Jefferson County this season to plant. The gardeners had a strong response to this program and are looking forward to this program next year.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment