Success StoryGrowing Leaders at 4-H Camp
Growing Leaders at 4-H Camp
Author: Alyssa Cox
Planning Unit: Rockcastle County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: 4H Posters,4H Speeches, 4H Variety Show,4H Awards Banquet, 4H Camp,4H Fair Exhibits, Livestocks club
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Youth are eligible to attend residential summer camp as a participant for a span of 6 years, beginning at age 9. 15-year-olds can return as a counselor-in-training, with opportunities to observe adult cabin leaders/counselors, attend leadership workshops, assist with leading some camp classes, and providing behind the scenes support of their camp session programming. During Rockcastle County's camping week, 64 individuals participated in Kentucky 4-H Summer Camp at J.M. Feltner Memorial Camp in London, Kentucky. The breakdown of attendance includes: 57 youth, 6 adult volunteers, and 1 extension staff. In addition to the overnight camp participants, 3 other extension staff from the Rockcastle County Extension Office attended camp during the day to lead workshops, assist with activities, and interact with campers.
The vision of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to serve the citizens of Kentucky and beyond by providing a safe environment for experiential learning opportunities. The mission of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to improve people through intentional life skill development. This will happen through collaboration with local, state, and national partners, research-based methods and programming, service-oriented practices, long-term strategic planning, and play.
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