Success StoryLocal Gardener Increases Growing Season with High Tunnel
Local Gardener Increases Growing Season with High Tunnel
Author: Lori Bowling
Planning Unit: Boyd County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Best Management Practices in Home Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Many of our local farmers and gardeners that sell produce to local stores or at farmers markets are always looking for better ways to get marketable produce earlier in the season. One local gardener saw that there was a market for this type of produce at local small markets and restaurants. The farmer applied for and received the high tunnel grant through the soil conservation cost share program. Working with the Boyd County Horticulture Agent the gardener learned about best growing practices in high tunnels and what the best marketable produce would be to raise in the high tunnel. This being the first year for the gardener in that tunnel they decided to raise cherry tomatoes for salads, slicing tomatoes, fresh herbs and some green beans for late season sales. The gardener is also using the fresh herbs to sell and make fresh herb sourdough bread. So far this year they have sold everything they have harvested from the tunnel with future orders from the local markets. The gardener is also looking into what other crops they will be able to raise through the winter months in the tunnel as well as what they might be able to add to the crops they raise for the next growing season.
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