Success Story4-H Art Workshop: Watercolor Painting for Beginners: Exploring Elements of Art & Design
4-H Art Workshop: Watercolor Painting for Beginners: Exploring Elements of Art & Design
Author: Chandra DeRamus
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Students working on Watercolor Tree project
Student works on finishing the landscape design on watercolor tree project.
Student working on design
Students work on design projects
Student display of Watercolor Tree Project
Students display Watercolor Tree Project
Success Story
Date of Program: June 5-6, 2018
Program: Art Workshop: An Introduction to using Watercolors & Learning the Elements of Art
Demographics: Students age 12-14
Student count: 15 students each day
County: Hardin County
Program: Done with KSU Extension Agent (Chandra DeRamus) & 4H Agents (Marla Stillwell & Stephanie Meredith, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension – 4H Youth Development
Program Description:
This program was an introduction to the Elements of Design and Principles of Art. The program was a two day event where students learned about the basics of color theory, how to use watercolor paints, and how to draw. This program was a collaborative project with a FCS agent from Kentucky State University, Chandra DeRamus and 4H agents from University of Kentucky, Marla Stillwell, Stephanie Meredith, and Whitney Stanton, intern for the year. The students went thru a few practice exercises painting a color wheel and creating their own color schemes for the final project of the landscape watercolor tree. The students were also able to draw a tree design from an original drawing of a tree. The main objective for this program was for students to gain a basic knowledge and understanding of how to apply the elements and principles of design to a design on a canvas. Overall the students did very well for a two day program. They seemed to really enjoy learning about using watercolors. The moment that I knew that students were learning something new is when one of the students asked me, “Did I draw my sun too big?” I responded, well it probably would look better if it were just a little bit smaller than the tree. The student responded, Oh, well next time I will try to make sure to make the sun smaller so that my picture will look good.” It was in that moment that I knew that this program touched this particular in a way that made her think differently about looking at proportion and scale. A concept that she had just learned in a two hour workshop. It just goes to show that students will do more for something that engages them and that they enjoy doing. The students enjoyed using the watercolors to create their design. They were able to grasp the concept of using watercolors very well. The students had the option to submit their paintings into the county fair for a prize in Hardin County. They will be able to complete with other students in the category of watercolor paints and designs. We will continue programs with an emphasis on the arts and sewing in the future within Hardin County. This has been the first Art class that has been offered from this county in a while. We look forward to building the arts program in Hardin county as the need for arts continues to grow in the hearts of the youth.
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