Success StoryWrapping Hay for Success
Wrapping Hay for Success
Author: Jay Hettmansperger
Planning Unit: Boyle County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Improving Agricultural Income
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem
Beef producers don't just produce beef, they are also forage producers. Producing good forage is a key component to producing good beef economically. The most important step in making good forage is getting it cut early and sometimes that is difficult with the weather we get in Kentucky in early spring. One answer to that problem is cutting the hay and rolling it while it is still high moisture and then wrapping it with plastic. The hay then goes through an ensilage process to cure the hay and preserve it for future consumption. The wrapping step in that process can be very difficult if you have not had experience with the wrapper. The wrapper needs to apply enough plastic so that the haylage is sealed properly and goes through the ensilage process correctly.
The educational program response
A forage field day was planned to have hands on demonstrations of hay wrapping. The producers could see firsthand how to properly use the hay wrapper to insure the haylage is sealed right. With the help of University Extension Forage specialist, a demonstration and educational program was conducted.
The participants/target audience
The target audience were beef producers interested in gaining knowledge on how to produce quality forages for their beef cattle.
Other partners (if applicable)
The Garrard County Extension Office and the Garrard County Soil Conservation District partnered to put on the field day. The Conservation District is the entity that rents out the forage equipment for use by local producers.
Program impact or participant response.
There were 45 producers that braved the sweltering heat to participate and learn how to wrap hay. One hundred percent said they had a much better understanding of wrapping hay and the importance of doing it correctly. One hundred percent stated they felt they could use the hay wrapper on their own.
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