Success StorySowing Seeds for future growth
Sowing Seeds for future growth
Author: Presley Grubb
Planning Unit: Greenup County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Creating awareness of the impact of agriculture on daily life and developing marketable skills for
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The school enrichment program at Campbell Elementary School has provided activities and projects to expand agriculture knowledge in the independent school district. Through a partnership with the 1st grade teachers, monthly school enrichment sessions were conducted focusing on various aspect of agriculture and science. The teachers reached out for assistance with hands-on activities to reinforce the content in the classroom. Student had the opportunity to dissect owl pellets, learn about animal habitats, plant flowers and vegetable seeds, make ice-cream from scratch, and learn about the process of getting milk to make the ice- cream.
After the 6 session series, a short evaluation was conducted to determine the knowledge gained from the program. 69% of students were confident in their ability to plant flowers and start vegetable seeds at home with the help of their family. All students knew the 4 essential components for plant growth. 67.9% of students said they had learned something new about agriculture during the school enrichment sessions. Some of their favorite activities were the owl pellet dissection, learning about milk production/ making ice-cream, and planting/ learning about flowers. All of the teachers said they felt the activities help to reinforce the concepts that were taught in the classroom for a deeper understanding and application for the students. We are looking forward to expanding our partnerships within the school system in the coming year to grow the school enrichment program.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment