Success StoryEXCITE 3 Adult Vaccination Education Campaign
EXCITE 3 Adult Vaccination Education Campaign
Author: Katherine Jury
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Title: EXCITE 3 Adult Vaccination Education Campaign
Relevance: Kentuckians have a disproportionately high rate of mortality due to preventable disease; many diseases that kill Kentuckians can be prevented or severe effects of disease reduced with vaccination. However, many Kentucky adults are missing vaccines or behind on their vaccine schedule. In Kentucky, adult vaccination coverage rates average only 50% for influenza vaccine and 25% for pneumococcal vaccine. Coverage for hepatitis B vaccine averages 10% across the state. Kentucky’s Covid vaccine rate is 58%.
Response: To increase awareness and knowledge about the safety and efficacy of adult vaccines, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Specialists created an adult vaccine curriculum and program materials to disseminate information regarding the importance of and CDC schedule for all adult vaccinations. An EXCITE grant from the Extension Foundation was obtained, which funded targeted education in 5 counties with particularly low vaccine rates.
Results: While education efforts are ongoing, in the 2023-2024 program year, Extension staff provided vaccine education programs that reached 1,230 participants, and educational materials were distributed to approximately 101,700 Kentuckians across the state through health bulletins, newsletters, podcasts, and social media posts. Importantly, 93% of program participants reported intentions to either discuss needed vaccines with their healthcare provider or make an appointment to receive a vaccine. Over 700 individuals had the opportunity to receive free vaccines at Extension events.
Public Value Statement: Cooperative Extension is an important public health partner in disseminating information about preventative health care and vaccination.
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