Success StoryLeadership from the Ground Up
Leadership from the Ground Up
Author: Janet Turley
Planning Unit: Warren County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Leadership & Volunteerism
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The 4-H program works from the ground up. Confidence, leadership, and independence come with time after an increase of knowledge, much practice and usually over several years. I am especially proud of three teenagers who have been members of the Warren County 4-H Shooting Sports Program for 2-6 years. They are officers of their club, one is a State Shooting Sports Ambassador and all three are teen shooting sports coaches. They really shined after creating a workshop for the 2018 Kentucky Volunteer Forum on shooting sports—Project ChildSafe, a nationally recognized program on safety locks for firearms. The three teens had to create a 45-minute workshop that was informative, hands-on and fun. They researched the topic, included the following technology- PowerPoint, video, sound, hands-on quiz using participant’s phones, and included demonstrations using a safety lock on three different firearms. They also secured the Project ChildSafe locks from the local police department to hand out to participants. I was amazed at their leadership abilities including confidence and public speaking skills. With very little guidance from this reporting agent, they completely created the workshop on their own. Nearly 20 participants attended the workshop at the KY Volunteer Forum. The workshop is replicable and the teens have expressed that they are available and willing to teach this workshop to others across Kentucky.
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Stories by Warren County CES
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Empowering Refugee Through Nutrition Education
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