Success StoryNavigating Careers at South Central
Navigating Careers at South Central
Author: Jessica Marquez
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem: Many students wait until they graduate high school to start thinking about college and career readiness. Some of those students do not have the necessary support needed to start planning during their high school years what they want to do post graduation.
The educational program response: I have offered the Navigate - college and career readiness program at various schools in JCPS. However, in the past the students that benefit from the program are hand selected by the FRYSC at the school. This means that it is not opened to all students. Since I saw what great success the program had at the schools I decided to team up with the Louisville Free Public Library and offer it to anyone who wanted to attend. Both students and parents.
The participants/target audience: The target audience for this program were high school students who wanted assistance or needed guidance on college and/or career readiness and exploration. The curriculum is written to create a guide for each individual students to explore their college or career interest. The objective of this program is to teach students what steps they need to take now so that they can be prepared for the next phase in their life when they graduate high school. It also gives students an opportunity to learn from one another and develop their leadership and public speaking skills based on each activity they complete.
Other partners (if applicable): The South Central Louisville Free Public Library was a key partner to the success of this program as they provided the meeting space and refreshments for the participants. They also help get the word out about the program.
Program impact or participant response: Each participant was able to successfully complete their workbook/program and identify at least one career path that interest them after high school. All participants were able to identify three people who they could use as references either for a job or college application. Additionally each participant learned about ways they can boost their resume such as summer programs and internships. Two participants were able to secure summer camp internships to put on their resume.
Following the summer I will be following up with all of the participants.
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