Success Story4-H Cloverbud Overnight Camping Programming
4-H Cloverbud Overnight Camping Programming
Author: Dana Anderson
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Acquisition of Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Cloverbud 4-H Camp experience is a unique youth development program designed for youth 6-8 years old to experience 4-H Camp. The two-night residential camp is designed to give younger youth the opportunity to spend a nights away from home and experience what 4-H Camp has to offer while sharing the experience with approved adult or parent. The focus of the camp is to engage in cooperative, non-competitive learning experience. 4-H Cloverbud members participate in learning activities that promote self-confidence, healthy lifestyles, social skills, and just plain having fun. Mercer County had 29 youth attend camp in June. Majority of the youth who attend 4-H Cloverbud Camp have never stayed overnight away from a parent. This can be a major challenge for many of the youth while at camp and the adult and teen leaders do a tremendous job of keeping youth engaged and retaining their campers. In addition, Cloverbud Camp is a great way to introduce younger youth and their parents to 4-H Camp as well as introducing them to 4-H opportunities offered across the state.
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