Success Story2024 Manners - a New way of Life as a 3rd grader

2024 Manners - a New way of Life as a 3rd grader

Author: Peggy Jones

Planning Unit: Rowan County CES

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Plan of Work: FCS Leadership

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The problem:  Youth today need to learn and practice using basic Manners.

The educational program response:  Youth are not using or not knowing how to practice simple public Manners. 

The participants/target audience:  3rd grade in Rowan County 

Other partners (if applicable)  Youth Service Center Directors and Classroom teachers

Program impact or participant response.  3rd grade youth was shocked that they needed to hold doors for other, eat small bites, chew with their mouth closed, listen and not talk when others are talking, not to pick their nose and to stop passing gas in class.  These are among a few of the teachers request to work on.  90% + responded in a positive way and promised to work on their actions.  Fall 2024, I will do a follow up with these new 4th graders and work on the next level of Manners.

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