Success StoryBringing History To Life: Spring Muster 2024
Bringing History To Life: Spring Muster 2024
Author: Sharee Schoonover
Planning Unit: Livingston County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Encouraging youth to become skillful, productive, contributing members of our community.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Livingston County ANR and Crittenden County 4-H worked together to successfully bring history to life through the Early American Heritage Program. This unique initiative culminated in the Spring Muster event, offering a dynamic and immersive experience for 4-H members, adult volunteers, and school groups. Participants, including 45 students from Hopkins County, 21 from Livingston County, 6 from Crittenden County, and 4 from other areas, witnessed historically accurate role-playing, and explored the rich history of the 1750s-1780s. They learned about the roles of soldiers, day-to-day life, food, and weaponry, with hands-on activities like throwing tomahawks, grenades, and observing musket operations. Livingston County 4-H worked with the local school systems to ensure North Livingston 5th Grade students got the opportunity to participate.
The program's impact was evident in the enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from students and volunteers. The diverse group, which included students of various ethnic backgrounds and a mix of male and female volunteers, highlighted the program's inclusivity and community engagement. Students gained a comprehensive understanding of the era, learning about military roles and everyday life, while practical activities provided a hands-on approach to history.
Testimonials from participants underscored the program's success. A student from Livingston County described the experience as stepping into a time machine. It even inspired him to go home and rewrite his 4-H Communications Contest speech to reflect the information learned. An adult volunteer from Livingston County shared the joy of seeing students engage with history, reaffirming their passion for sharing history with their students. This collaboration between Livingston County ANR and Crittenden County 4-H stands as a testament to the power of community-driven educational programs, paving the way for future events that make learning an engaging and inclusive experience.
Adam Barnes, Livingston County ANR teaching Livingston County Students
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