Success StoryMaster Gardeners
Master Gardeners
Author: Steven Mobley
Planning Unit: Laurel County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Natural Resources
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program was created to meet an increase in requests from home gardeners for horticultural information. This increase derives primarily from the urban and transient nature of modern American life. As the population of Laurel County and the number of larger subdivisions has increased, so has the need for additional resources to provide gardening-related assistance to our community.
To meet this need, the Laurel County Horticulture agent, Steve Mobley, started an Extension Master Gardeners Program in January 2024. The current class of eight volunteers will be required to complete 24 hours of classroom instruction in botany, plant propagation, soil science, greenhouse production, cut flower production, entomology, plant diseases and other plant related topics. Classes are led by University of Kentucky specialists who have extensive knowledge in each subject. After completing the course work, the volunteers must then complete 40 hours of gardening-related volunteer work in the community before they earn the Master Gardener title. Community projects may include teaching gardening skills, creating gardening opportunities for senior citizens, developing area community gardens, beautification projects, or similar activities. Volunteers must also complete continuing education classes and complete volunteer hours each year to maintain their Master Gardener title.
By training these volunteers as Master Gardeners, we will be providing additional avenues for Extension programs in our community based on reliable, research-based information. Through our combined efforts, more residents can gain a better understanding of topics such as producing successful gardens for nutritious meals, choosing landscape plants best suited to their areas, and protecting our environment from overuse of chemicals and pesticides. Master Gardener volunteers have related that the program is a fun and useful volunteer activity that has given them a sense of community spirit and accomplishment.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment