Success StoryHenderson settlement Cattle handling facilities
Henderson settlement Cattle handling facilities
Author: Jacob Brandenburg
Planning Unit: Owsley County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Farm Profitablity
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In my role to help the settlements farm program I noticed that none of the farms that had cattle had safe handling facilities for the cattle or the farmer. In order to assure the safety of the cattle and the farmer that would be working with the operation, I advocated time to seek resources in the community that would help to sponsor this issue and director of the settlement school to implement safe handling facilities. After speaking on the behalf of the settlement the local farm bureau donated 7500 dollars to put toward the handling facilities of the settlements farm. I also worked with the Tarter equipment company in order to get a 15% reduction in the cost on the equipment. After working with the local CO-OP for two months designing a proper lay out for cattle facilities we purchased and received a tarter tub, alley way, and head chute. On June 18th the equipment was delivered and placed at the settlements lower laurel fork farm.
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