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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success Story4-H Sewing Projects - A Progressive Experience

4-H Sewing Projects - A Progressive Experience

Author: Candice Hollingsworth

Planning Unit: Shelby County CES

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Plan of Work: Youth Life Skill Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

When someone first thinks of sewing, they may think of the stereotypical grandmother type, at her sewing machine or working hand piecing a quilt. This skill that was once thought to be losing interest is now on the rise thanks to social media and the art of upcycling. A tradition that was once passed down from mother to daughter has been revitalized for the masses. 4-H has helped to keep this skill alive and pass it on to the younger generation. We owe a great debt to our volunteers who take the time of their day to help 4-Hers not only complete their sewing projects but also teach them proper techniques and methods for making clothes. Shelby County 4-H is lucky to have 15 sewing volunteers, two of which are returning 4-Her members who have aged out. Both of which started at the age of 9 and worked their way through each Kentucky 4-H Sewing Level. Beginning as a Junior and evolving into a Senior making both clothing and non-clothing projects.

The Shelby County 4-H program was able to work with 12 first time sewers, 5 second year, 5 third year and two advanced senior sewing participants. Having roughly 50% retention throughout the course of their 4-H career. While some 4-Hers enjoy the time spent sewing but get involved with other activities, some do develop a passion for it and learn a multitude of life skills. Youth can work their way up through the various levels and projects which teach them new techniques and applications of sewing. After all, it’s not always about the garment but about the time, patience, thought and energy that was put into creating it. Youth learn to not give up and persevere even through the difficult time of having to call on their “best friend” the seam ripper. Youth are also given the opportunity to walk in the Shelby County 4-H Fashion Revue where they can show off their outfit or non-clothing project they made to a panel of judges and guests. Helping in the development of confidence for each individual. 4-Hers also enter their projects in the Shelby County Fair which will advance to the Kentucky State Fair if they win champion in their category. Shelby County 4-H is proud to have had several Grand Champions, Reserve Champion and Class Winners.

We are proud to have two of our former 4-Hers returning to us to help with the sewing program. We hope that more will do the same when their time as a 4-Her comes to an end. It’s not really the end though, but a new 4-H journey as a volunteer.

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