Success Story4-H Shooting Sports
4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Teaching Sound Environmental Practices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Butler Co. 4-H Shooting Sports
Firearms are extremely common in Butler co.
Starting in 1986, our research (conducted by in school surveys) revealed that 96% of Butler co. youth either had a firearm in their home, or, were in the home of a friend or relative once per week or more frequently whom owned a firearm. Additionally, the county Sheriff was able to recall 6 fatal or crippling firearms accidents within the previous 20 years.
As an introduction to the 4-H Shooting Sports program we started teaching, along with other 4-H Curriculum, we started teaching our 6th graders the KY Hunter Education Course. The Hunter Ed. Course is a part of the approved Natural Resources 4-H materials as well as the 4-H Shooting Sports program.
Lessons include Fire Arms Safety, First Aid, Wilderness Survival, Navigation and Map reading, Wildlife Habitat, Wildlife and resource management, Ethics, land use, Forest management, progression of species, and decision making these youth are specifically recruited (and their parents) for the general 4-H Shooting Sports Program.
For 37 years we have offered this course and other related 4-H educational materials to every 6th grade child in Butler co. Most youth still take the course. In the intervening 36 years there has been only 1 fatal firearms accident. (The individual at fault finished High School years before we started teaching the course). The course has garnered a great deal of positive feedback from school administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It has also served as a nice lead in to our 4-H Shooting Sports program. With the new Extension Facility, we now have an indoor archery and air rifle range. We also partner with our Middle and High School NASP programs.
We now have 4 very active individuals who have completed the 4-H Shooting Sports Coach’s training and Certification, with 3 also being Hunter Education Instructor certified. One current 4-H Shooting Sports Teen Ambassador. They are the backbone of this program.
In addition to firearms safety, first aid and survival education. These youth receive knowledge of wildlife habitat Youth that participated in this program and 4-H Shooting sports programs, now own land. These now young adults (Mike Hunt, Timmy Basham etc.) are examples of farmers and landowners who are active stewards of the land. Protecting and managing the wildlife and forests that future generations will need.
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