Success StoryKYSU Agriclture for the UKY Homemakers and Master-Gardeners
KYSU Agriclture for the UKY Homemakers and Master-Gardeners
Author: Lindsay Heyvaert
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem
KYSU Extension and UKY Extension has made strides to collaborate with each other in the Mammoth Cave Area! Butler County, Warren County, and now Edmonson County Homemakers and Master-gardeners have requested a collaboration with KYSU Small Farms and FCS programs and its been wonderful.
The educational program response
I have participated in two homemaker events and one master-gardener event this quarter to program about pawpaws! Edmonson and Butler County homemakers where able to take home pawpaw seeds, KYSU publications, and Edmonson County where able to plant the seeds! Both groups loved the program and received more interest for other programs in the future. Their favorite parts where the teste testing and planting (if they where offered). Warren County master-gardeners had the same program as Edmonson County and also really enjoyed it. Because of the audience, they’re expectations where higher and we connected them with the correct resources for their horticulture questions using KYSU resources.
The participants/target audience
The target audience for this program is anyone in the master-gardener and homemaker groups. In total my direct contacts from all three counties have been 38 participants.
Other partners (if applicable)
Partners are the Edmonson County Conservation Office, Butler County Extension Office, Warren County Extension Office, and Edmonson County Extension Office.
Program impact or participant response.
The impact for this program is great for the community as a whole, because we are helping re-introduce a native and important tree to the ecosystem and people love it! The pawpaw tends to be a generational and family tied tree. I have been hearing stories about pawpaws being in participants families for generations and now they get to show the younger generation the same thing their family taught them.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment