Success StoryAnimal Science Classes Educates Youth about the opportunities in agriculture
Animal Science Classes Educates Youth about the opportunities in agriculture
Author: Rusty Wolf
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4-H Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem
According to the 2023 Cooperative Extension Needs Assessment for Boone County the number 3 issue is sustainability of family farms. In an urban county the agricultural land is always at risk of development, the population of Boone County has grown around 50,000 people since 2000. With a population growing as fast as it is and industry being developed all around the airport it is important to try and preserve the heritage and agriculture of Boone County.
The educational program response
Provide ample education, enrichment, and leadership opportunities to 4-H youth that participate in Livestock and Horse Clubs. The classes included programs like potential careers, animal handling techniques, animal products such as wool and dairy products, record keeping, sportsmanship, and tack care, etc.
The participants/target audience
Our target audience was youth aged 9-18 that have an interest in the agriculture, animal science, or equine industry in Kentucky.
Program impact or participant response.
Our impact of this program will be the education of youth about their opportunity Agriculture has for them and that they can make their passion also their work if they decide. Over the course of the program year certified animal science volunteers have provided 48.5 hours of educational opportunity to 112 youth.
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