Success Story2024 Leadership Balalrd
2024 Leadership Balalrd
Author: Paula Jerrell
Planning Unit: Ballard County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Leadership Ballard
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem
Retaining outstanding young people in our county is an ongoing issue. We are a rural county with little opportunity for tech jobs; our youth don't always know what is available and our leadership base is aging.
The educational program response
4-H and Ballard County Schools have renewed their Leadership Ballard Program for middle schoolers in order to help with facets of this county issue. We offer opportunities to learn more about the businesses, organizations and policy makers in our county and nearby areas. We also offer the opportunity for youth to develop leadership, communication and soft skills that will help prepare them for the career and work ready steps in their journey
The participants/target audience is middle schoolers who apply for Leadership Ballard and get a teacher reference for their application which is submitted directly to reviewers. They are 6th through 8th graders. This year we had 42 applicants and 38 were selected based on their applications and teacher references. They are also required to maintain and acceptable GPA and proper conduct. Lessons include What is Leadership?, Who are Leaders?, communication and team building skills and manners and etiquette skills.
Other partners (if applicable)
We partner with our Kentucky Representative and Senator, the Ballard County Chamber of Commerce and Emergency Management Director in planning our 3 field trips which include visiting the Capitol, visiting local government and local volunteer and emergency management personnel. We also have a luncheon with organizers and donors for the program. Over $10,000 is raised to carry out this program including a charter bus trip to our capitol, and two local field trips by school bus.
Program impact or participant response.
Participants indicated learning to work better in groups; understand and appreciate differences in leadership styles; learned more about our state government; and learned more about our county organizations, businesses and government in our county. Manners and etiquette are always a popular lesson that youth will use forever. 95% of participants said they were more confident in their leadership abilities. 91% said they felt they could work better with others to accomplish goals. The top responses for what they learned were: working in groups/teamwork, communication skills, manners/etiquette, more about government and don't be bossy/listen to people.
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