Success StoryMaster Gardener Develop Leadership Skills thorugh Transition
Master Gardener Develop Leadership Skills thorugh Transition
Author: Kathryn Wimberley
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Plan of Work: Leadership
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Success Story: The McCracken County Extension Master Gardeners (MCEMG) have had a demonstration and trial garden on Coleman Road, by way of 2 acres of land leased from the McCracken County, since 2004. The lease was secured in the name “Purchase Area Master Gardener Association" or "PAMGA.” This group is now doing business as MCEMG.
McCracken County Extension District Board provided a new storage building for the Horticulture Agent who advises MCEMG. The building was completed in December of 2017. A location at the Extension office property reduced driving time and distance.
Winter/Spring of 2018 the MCEMG worked with the various agencies of the County in the process of moving. The MCEMG and Horticulture Agent, worked with UK Specialists, McCracken County Judge Executive, McCracken County Sheriff’s Department, Paducah Power, Paducah Water to coordinate all the needs of the move. There was a need to remove hazardous waste, such as old fertilizers and old herbicides as a first step in moving. Discarded items were dispersed through UK guidelines. In the process of the move, the MCEMG created a committee to head the efforts. MCEMG and Horticulture Agent communicated through 10 meetings, 48 text messages among committee members and Agent, emails to all members as needed, 12 phone calls and numerous site visits.
The Agent made 10 episodes of contacts with 45 volunteers for a total of 450. MCEMG volunteers donated 176 hours to the move. MCEMG and Agent worked with 22 employees of McCracken County from January to June of 2018. The event provided a path for volunteers to develop leadership skills. MCEMG volunteers worked by planting the 2018 Bedding Plant Trials to establish the 2018 Demonstration and Trail Gardens in May and June 0f 2018.
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