Success StoryJunior Master Gardener/Learn Grow Eat Go! McCracken Couny Agents Pilot Program
Junior Master Gardener/Learn Grow Eat Go! McCracken Couny Agents Pilot Program
Author: Kathryn Wimberley
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Nutrition Education through Cooperative Extension
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Situation : In Kentucky, at least one out of every three adults (34.2%) and children (37.1%) are overweight or obese, more than one out of every five Kentuckians (16.8%) and Kentucky children (21.9%) experience food insecurities, and one out of every three Kentuckians (29.8%) are physically inactive (SNAP-Ed, 2017). McCracken County Junior Master Gardener Youth gardening programs have shown increases in youth vegetable preferences, vegetable consumption, knowledge in nutrition and plant science, and engagement in physical activity (Spears-Lanoix, et. al, 2015). McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service (CES) Agents in 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Horticulture, and Family and Consumer Sciences attended the Junior Master Gardener in-service held on September 19-20, 2017. At the in-service, county CES personnel were trained by the Junior Master Gardener National Program Coordinator and collaborated as a county team to develop a implementation plan for their county.
In January through May of 2018, the McCracken County CES Agents worked with Clark Elementary School to provide a Junior Master Gardener school enrichment program for the fourth-grade class. The program averaged twice-monthly classes in which 105 youth participated. During the program, youth engaged in hands-on activities to learn about gardening and related activities, such as nutrition, garden science, physical activity, food preparation, and fresh-vegetable tastings. Youth were evaluated using a pre- and post-test survey. The evaluation indicated that 4% of youth participants had an increase in fruit and vegetable preference after participating in the Junior Master Program. The evaluation indicated that 43% of youth participants increased knowledge in nutrition and plant science. Due to the success of the program the classroom teacher explained that she was very likely to do this program with future classes. Many students involved in the program discussed their enjoyment of the program and said they felt they had become more comfortable with trying new foods.
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