Success StoryGoat and Sheep Programs
Goat and Sheep Programs
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
Plan of Work: Increasing Knowledge in Agriculture, Home and Community Environment
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem Crittenden County is home to several goat and sheep producers including several that consider themselves new to the business. Information on producing quality small ruminants can sometimes be hard to find. Crittenden County Extension ANR Agent Dee Heimgartner has worked with industry partners to provide learning opportunities to local producers.
The educational program response Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office has worked diligently to provide educational videos to producers. These videos were offered to Extension offices at a reduced subscription cost. Crittenden County Extension purchased the subscription and offered Master Small Ruminant Genetics, Master Small Ruminant Nutrition, Small Ruminant Profit School and Small Ruminant Quality Assurance trainings. There have been 15 different class meetings the past year utilizing this information. Participants have learned and are utilizing the nutrition information the most.
The participants/target audience
Other partners (if applicable) KY Sheep and Goat Development Office
Program impact or participant response. Participants are better able to make management decision on their operation utilizing information received from these programs. Participants have reported different feeding strategies to improve gain. One producer has even been able to change their animal health vaccination needs based on information learned. The participants have also enjoyed discussion between the group and some are planning to assist each other in various ways on their own operations from pooling resources to buying different genetics for their herd from other participants.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment