Success Story4-H STEM: Suture and First Aid

4-H STEM: Suture and First Aid

Author: Genaea Sarantakos

Planning Unit: Fayette County CES

Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Plan of Work: Making healthy Lifestyle Choices and Citizen Education

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The problem

Following our December dissection lab, our 4-H community requested more hands- on STEM opportunities for youth to participate in. 

The educational program response

With the help of 4 UK Medical School students who expressed interest in volunteering with 4-H, they created and hosted a highly hands-on workshop for youth to explore medical sciences. Youth learned and experienced suturing, how to splint injuries, stop the bleed, and treat burns.

The participants/target audience

4-H youth aged 8-18 (20 youth participants)

Other partners (if applicable)

UK Medical School students; Fayette County Public Schools

Program impact or participant response.

Marketing of this program happened in partnership with Fayette County Public Schools. 20 diverse youth participated in this program and received extremely positive feedback from parents. One youth received feedback and advice for furthering his interest in medical science, with EMT training class information suggestions. 

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