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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

Success StoryHomemakers Strengthen Skills and Social Connections through KEHA Membership

Homemakers Strengthen Skills and Social Connections through KEHA Membership

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS

Plan of Work: Developing Life Skills

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The problem:

The Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education.   Yet, the mission of KEHA has not been examined among members to confirm if they think participation in KEHA  enhances a sense of leadership, learning, and volunteerism.

The educational program response

The Todd County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences developed a survey to better understand the experience of KEHA members with the mission of KEHA—leadership, learning, and volunteerism. The survey was utilzed by FCS  agents and acting FCS agent Darrell Simpson located in W3/W4.

The participants/target audience: 

KEHA members were the target audience.

Program impact or participant response.

Overall, members perceive their leadership skills are strengthened, they gained knowledge and/or skills in the discipline of Family and Consumer Sciences because of educational opportunities, are more aware of community, state, national, and international service projects, and that Homemakers makes them feel more socially connected as depicted in the categories below.

Leadership: 78% agreed serving as a club leader, chairman, and/or officer in Homemakers strengthened their leadership skills and 81% agreed that teaching lessons to fellow homemaker members improved their leadership skills.

Education: 90% agreed being a member of Homemakers provided them with educational opportunities in family and consumer sciences and 79% agreed their skills in the area of family and consumer sciences have improved as a result of being a member of Homemakers and participating in educational programs.

Volunteerism: 85% agreed being a member of Homemakers has made them more aware of community, state, national, and international service projects; and 76% agreed that volunteering through Homemakers gives them a greater sense of life satisfaction.

Social Connection: 84% percent agreed that membership in Homemakers made them feel less socially isolated; 89% agreed membership in Homemakers helped them feel more connected to people; and 85% agreed being a member of Homemakers added to their overall social well-being. When asked how Homemakers helped improve social well-being, one member said: “Just being with people. Having conversations—stimulates the mind. Being alone is not good for our mind or body.”

Stories by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Muhlenberg County Homemakers Join Efforts to fight COVID-19

Muhlenberg County Homemakers Join Efforts to fight COVID-19

about 4 years ago by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 was life changing. However; change is not new to the University of Ken... Read More

Muhlenberg County Homemakers are All in on Ovarian Cancer Research

Muhlenberg County Homemakers are All in on Ovarian Cancer Research

about 4 years ago by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Ovarian Cancer ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women according to the American Cancer Society. A ... Read More

Stories by Muhlenberg County CES

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Teens Express Appreciation for Local Volunteers

about 4 years ago by Mackenzie Pogue

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Senior Scholarship Night Showcases Over $279,000

about 4 years ago by Mackenzie Pogue

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