Success StoryStitch & Lounge
Stitch & Lounge
Author: Elizabeth Evans
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders (FCS)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
To assist the University of Kentucky Master Clothing Volunteers (MCV) with their leadership and sewing skills, two counties in Northern Kentucky collaborated to offer a basic sewing series to one of their more rural counties. MCVs are required to obtain a minimum of 100 volunteer commitment hours every 2 years which includes 50 teaching hours, 30 continuing education hours, and 20 leadership and service hours.
The N. KY MCV Class of 2022 along with area contact FCS Agents, Liz Evans and Ronda Rex planned, facilitated, and taught a four-part sewing series to Gallatin County.
The 4-week series was offered as evening classes and focused on:
Week 1: Sewing Tool/Equipment Overview, Pattern Envelope Overview, and Pattern/Fabric Cutting.
Week 2: Sewing Machine Parts/Threading, Paper Sewing Practice, 5/8-inch Seam Practice, and Begin Sewing Steps 1-4 of the pattern.
Week 3: Sewing Steps 5-9 of the pattern.
Week 4: Sewing Steps 5-9 of the pattern to complete projects.
Six participated in the sewing series with 50% of those completing the project as of present.
The series was a win, win. The volunteers were not only able to earn hours in teaching and leadership but were also to practice their skills by teaching adults. The participants were able to learn new skills and complete a useful project that possibly saved them money depending on the fabric they chose. And the Galatin and Boone County Cooperative Extension Service saved an estimated $8,055.00. The Independent Sector states that the national value for a volunteer time is $31.80/hour with Kentucky’s value at $26.85/hour.,6.2%20percent%20increase%20over%202021
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