Success StorySpend Wisely
Spend Wisely
Author: Daniel Bell
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Financial Security, Home Management, and Workforce Preparation
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Carlisle County Cooperative Extension 4-H hosted “Reality Store” for Carlisle County 7th graders to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of budgeting. Seventh graders are only 3-4 years away from earning their learners permit to drive. This age group was identified by Carlisle County schools’ staff as needing vital budgeting and life skills preparedness. Reality store is a program that provides hands on experience in practicing budgeting. Each youth is provided with a month’s salary that corresponds with a selected career path. The youth visit several tables where they can make budgeting choices very similar to what adults’ experience. For example, each youth must visit tables for housing, transportation, insurance, and property tax. They quickly discover that their housing and transportation choices directly correlate with the costs at the insurance and property tax tables.
The Carlisle County cooperative extension office had several volunteers and community partners assist with this program. Those organizations include Western Kentucky Community and Technical college, Citizens Deposit Bank, King Insurance, Newton’s Supermarket, West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative, Viniard Wood Shop, Carlisle County PVA, Carlisle County Family Resources & Youth Services and Carlisle County 4-H council volunteers. These organizations played a vital role in organizing and participating in the Reality Store Program.
Approximately 50 students participated in the reality store. Those that participated were asked to take a brief survey before and after the program. The survey indicated that 17% more students recognized the importance of budgeting at the conclusion of the program than they had realized prior. Additionally, 78% of students surveyed after the program said they understood the importance of saving for future economic goals compared to only 64% before participating in the program.
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