Success StoryForaging for Profits
Foraging for Profits
Author: Jay Hettmansperger
Planning Unit: Boyle County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Improving Agricultural Income
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem
Cattle producers struggle to balance forage production and cattle stocking rate on their pastures. Producers have a tendency to overstock their pastures which causes overgrazing. Overgrazing leads to thinning grass strands and poor production and less profits.
The educational program response
The Garrard, Lincoln, Mercer and Boyle County ANR Extension agents presented a Forage program on Forage production and Rotational Grazing. University of Kentucky Forage specialist presented programs on establishing different forage species and utilizing rotational grazing to improve forage utilization and increased animal production.
The participants/target audience
The target audience was area cattle producers and forage producers. The producers range of production was from a few acres to several hundred acres grown.
Other partners (if applicable)
Program impact or participant response.
The response was very positive toward information learned. One hundred percent of producers said they learned something new about rotational grazing that they could use on their own farm. Ninety five percent of the producers responding said they are currently using information they learned from past Forage meeting about rotational grazing to change how they graze on their farms. Information gained at past Forage meetings has increased profits for 89 percent of respondents.
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