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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryDisaster Preparedness Awareness

Disaster Preparedness Awareness

Author: Jennifer Bridge

Planning Unit: Meade County CES

Major Program: Emergency Disaster Preparedness - FCS

Plan of Work: Disaster and Emergency Response

Outcome: Initial Outcome

On April 3, 1974, an F5 tornado destroyed downtown Brandenburg and other parts of Meade County taking 31 lives.  As we approached the 50-year mark of the disaster, a lot of media attention and others interested in commemorating the event stirred up emotion for those who were impacted by the tornado.  We recognized as a community we had become lax in preparing for an emergency event.   To bring awareness to the importance of knowledge and preparedness in the event of a disaster, Meade County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, extension homemakers and emergency management, partnered together to host Disaster Preparedness Awareness.  This three-hour event featured 20 information booths and a panel discussion with questions from community members about a variety of emergency situations.   Panelist and booth participants included Emergency Management, E-911, Fire Department, Red Cross, Meade County Schools, the National Weather Service, Louisville Gas and Electric, Meade County Rural Electric Coop., Meade County Fire Department, Meade County Farm Bureau Insurance, and the City of Brandenburg Mayor.  Meade County Sheriff’s Department, Cecilian Bank, Lincoln Trail District Health Department, Meade County Addressing, Meade County Extension Homemakers, Meade County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, Extension Health and Wellness Ambassadors, Meade County Nutrition Education Program, Meade County 4H, Meade County Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources, and our local radio station WMMG.  Also present were local newspaper reporters who covered the event.  The radio station hosted live coverage and featured the panel discussion on their Facebook page with over 2000 views within four days.

Thanks to the generosity of area businesses and agencies, a variety of door prizes were given away including two disaster preparedness kits valued at $250.

Evaluations were collected and impact results will be added in the near future.

Stories by Jennifer Bridge

The Lincoln Trail Homemakers Kick-off with Create Welcoming Clubs

The Lincoln Trail Homemakers Kick-off with Create Welcoming Clubs

about 3 months ago by Jennifer Bridge

As their membership ages, the Kentucky Extension Homemakers recognize the challenge that is facing t... Read More

A Day on the Buttermilk Falls Trail

A Day on the Buttermilk Falls Trail

about 4 months ago by Jennifer Bridge

The Buttermilk Falls Walking Trail is the most used trail in Meade County. This beautiful trail is s... Read More

Stories by Meade County CES

4-H Fresh Chefs: Second Year Success

4-H Fresh Chefs: Second Year Success

about 13 days ago by Deana Reed

For the second year, the Meade County 4-H Fresh Chefs Club was a volunteer lead, 4-week, summer pr... Read More

4-H Afterschool Babysitting Clinic

4-H Afterschool Babysitting Clinic

about 21 days ago by Deana Reed

4-H Babysitting Clinic participant instructing others in how to handle a home fire while babysitting... Read More