Success StoryKids and Families Resource Fair
Kids and Families Resource Fair
Author: Marsha Hagler
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Family Development General
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Opportunities for the Youth of Nelson County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem
As the population of Nelson County increases, so does the need for additional opportunities and support for families and children. However, during this same time our community has lost it's skating rink, movie theatre and bowling alley. Families throughout the community have expressed through surveys and through social media post, that they have a desire for more to offer youth in the community. The city and county are working to address this with some long term solutions, such as an indoor swimming facility. Many public and private community partners have a lot offer the youth in our community, so it is important to connect families with those resources.
The educational program response
After hearing, "There is nothing for kids to do in Nelson County!", numerous times, the Nelson County Cooperative Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, Danielle Hagler, worked to inform families of the numerous opportunities that still exist. Danielle recruited community partners to exhibit at the Children and Families Resource Fair that she coordinated. On March 9, 2024, thirty-one community partners set up informational and interactive booths for the families to explore. Around 40 community partners attended with over 90 community members attending. Nelson County Cooperative Extension Groups such as the Nutrition Education program, Homemakers and 4-H set up to recruit new members and volunteers. Community partners included Boy and Girl Scouts, Bardstown Parks and Recreation, the public library, gymnastics, theatre, KDFWR and many support agencies. Each booth had high quality door prizes that offered families a chance to receive relevant items to support their families unique needs. Examples of door prizes included a gymnastics birthday party, gift card, sports equipment, toddler and baby toys.
Through generous donations, participants were able to have healthy snack in addition to sampling Big Blue muffins. They were able to take home healthy recipes and other nutrition information. Youth participants were able to get age appropriate items at the event including a book from Landon's Library, enrichment activities from the Nelson County Public Library, Fire Safety information from the Fire Department, schools supplies and healthy snacks. They got to participate in hands on activities like basketball and decorating cupcakes.
The participants/target audience
The program was target to families with children but was also a great opportunity for community partners to network with one another.
Program impact or participant response.
A mom of three young children noted, " I got info on WIC that I had no idea about. ... I got info on preschool and getting my son signed up for that. Learned more about the rec center and signing my kid up for kick ball. I liked learning about the things in the community. I thought it was great."
Another parent noted, "The event was very positive and informative with a variety of information for all ages. The light snacks were a positive. My grandchildren were very excited with it. Great outing for families."
Community partners noted that as a result of the event, they had participants enroll in their programs, complete applications for services and learn about services that they were eligible for. For example, one homeschool mother was excited about the opportunity for her high school student to participate in ACT prep sessions at the public high school. One community partner was excited to be able to connect a grandparent with resources they needed.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment