Success StoryMetcalfe County Farmer's Market 2017/18
Metcalfe County Farmer's Market 2017/18
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Planning Unit: Metcalfe County CES
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Plan of Work: Strengthening the Community
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to Kentucky Health Facts: Only 19 - 23 % of residents in Metcalfe County consume the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables daily. 20% of Metcalfe County Adult residents are diagnosed with having type II Diabetes and 33% of adults in Metcalfe County are missing 6 or more teeth. In order to make the freshest, best tasting and most affordable produce available locally, the Metcalfe County Farmer's market operates on Friday's from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. from April - October and Tuesday's from 2 - 6 p.m. from June - September.
To raise the required match for the Community Farm Alliance Market Manager Cost Share program, beginning in June 2017 the Metcalfe Co. Farmer's Market began having producer vendors pay to join the market for the year. For 2017 it was $50.00 per member producer. Prior to 2017, producer's were able to vend free of charge. 20 producers paid to join for the year in 2017. For 2018 that annual rate increased to $75.00, with about the same number of paid producers. There are roughly 12 additional producers who do not come weekly, they are given the option to pay $10.00 per Friday market day or $5.00 per Tuesday market day, to set up and sell produce. There are an average of 8 producer vendors who set - up to sell per market day of operation. In addition, about $2000.00 of cash match, is donated by community businesses who are listed on the farmer's market pavilion signage, as sponsors.
Metcalfe County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Science Education provides the producer training's for the WIC and Senior Farmer's market voucher programs. Six training sessions were offered for producers, morning, afternoon and evening times on different days of the week, including two,make - up sessions for producer's who were unable to make one of the 4 pre-scheduled dates and times for the producer voucher training and completion of producer enrollment paperwork. 10 producers enrolled to accept the Senior Farmer's market vouchers and 9 enrolled to accept the WIC vouchers, for the 2018 season. The Farmer's market Board requires all producer vendors take the GAP or Producer Best Practices training in order to insure the highest level of safety and quality in the produce that is offered at our market. In preparation for the 2018 season, The Metcalfe County Extension Agent for ANR, provided Producer Best Practices Training to four market member producers, during spring 2018 and does so upon request, annually.
The Metcalfe County Farmer's Market also accepts WIC debit cards and participates in the Community Farm Alliance Double Dollars program. The total income from the Farmer's market vouchers and SNAP income, for the 2017 season was $3,356.00 out of total reported sales of $24,222.00. This amount represents an increase in total sales of $9,723 over total reported sales from the 2016 season, which were $14,499.00.
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