Success StoryBallard County Leadership Classes Learn Table Manners and Etiquette

Ballard County Leadership Classes Learn Table Manners and Etiquette

Author: Thomas Miller

Planning Unit: Ballard County CES

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Plan of Work: Leadership Ballard

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In our quickly evolving society, table manners and dining etiquette have been on the decline.  Ballard County ANR Agent Tom Miller developed a program for middle school students based on 4-H curriculum and elements drawn from the Farm Bureau Lead Program and the KY AG Leadership Program.  Training sessions for two groups of Leadership students were conducted.  The first on October 18, was for the Ballard County Leadership Club, after school at the Extension Office.  Nine students and one adult leader participated in the program where they were exposed to the history of etiquette and the role of table manners in making a good impression.  Place settings and proper utensil usage along with many do’s and don’ts were presented in a hands on demonstration.

On December 7, 2023, the same presentation was given to the Leadership Ballard Class at the Ballard High School Cafeteria.  Thirty three participants went through a similar lesson from Tom Miller, with assistance from Ballard FCS Agent Sarah Drysdale.  Even with such a large group, the students seemed really engaged and hopefully learned some things in the process.  Their proficiency will be evaluated at the end of year sponsors banquet, where groups of students will be paired with individual sponsors for dinner at the completion of the leadership program.

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