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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

Success StoryGrazing management

Grazing management

Author: Robert Amburgey

Planning Unit: Bath County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Improved Management and Profitability

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The problem

Producers struggle with proper pasture use and grazing management.  As a result they continue to rely heavily on expensive feed alternatives when they could be better utilizing their pastures.

The educational program response

UK forage specialists and NRCS personal participated in the Bath County field day program where they took producers I to the pastures on the host farm to discuss what management practices were being implemented and what practices could be adopted that would help improve pasture utilization.

The participants/target audience

Livestock producers in Bath and surrounding counties that have cattle and small ruminants and want to better uderstand how they can better manage their current resources and enhance profitability.

Other partners (if applicable)

County Farm Bureau


Conservation District

County cattlemen assoc

Program impact or participant response.

Producers appreciated the hands on approach in the field looking at real life examples.  Comments on the field day were very positive. 

Stories by Robert Amburgey

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about 4 years ago by Robert Amburgey

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Stories by Bath County CES

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