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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryBack to Basics

Back to Basics

Author: Nicole Rhein

Planning Unit: Marshall County CES

Major Program: Beef

Plan of Work: Agriculture Advancement

Outcome: Initial Outcome

To ensure the success of their farming enterprises, beef cattle producers must often adapt and/or modernize. To help the farmers of Marshall County successfully improve their operations, the Marshall County Extension service is participating in the "Back to Basics" program. The program is designed by the University of Kentucky Extension Beef Science team with the goal of helping farmers "go back to the basics" and rethink how they manage their operations. Once enrolled, the volunteer farmer has their farm analyzed by Extension Specialists, is then provided with expert consultation in all areas of their operation, as well as, introduced to advanced technologies and techniques. The volunteer farmer hosts field days throughout the process to demonstrate the changes made. The field days are designed with two main goals in mind. Firstly, to improve the host farm's operation and secondly, to share these improvements with the local beef community. 

Marshall County's volunteer is GCF Angus. After meeting with Extension staff, Dale Gold, owner of GCF Angus, came up with these goals:
- Reduce pickeye in his herd
- Improve reproduction with double AI program
- Develop a plan for expansion
- Introduce Intensive grazing

On November 7th, GCF Angus hosted their first field day. The goal of the field day was to let the county view the farm before "back to basics techniques" were introduced and also encourage participants to expand their knowledge during the educational lessons. Lessons were given on pasture management, pinkeye prevention and treatment, and advance reproductive techniques. After the field day farmers were asked to rate their knowledge level before and after the lessons. Participants showed a 58% increase in knowledge of pinkeye vaccines, a 60% percent increase in their understanding of Artificial Insemination systems, and a 43% increase in knowledge of pasture development. On a 5 point scale, with five being the most useful, 4.4 was the average "usefulness" rating of the field day in relation to surveyed participants and their operations.

The beginning of the pasture development walk with Agronomy Professor, Dr. Meghan Taylor.

A local Veterinarian identifies pinkeye scarring in the host farm herd while discussing prevention and treatment techniques. 

Advance AI techniques are discussed by Dr. Les Anderson while also showcasing the farms working facilities.

As the next steps on the host farm are taken and the second field day is being planned, the agent, producer and UK Beef team hope to host additional successful field days for the public while continuing to make improvements to the success of the host farm. 

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