Success StoryCentral Kentucky Hay Contest Encourages High Quality Hay Production

Central Kentucky Hay Contest Encourages High Quality Hay Production

Author: Steven Musen

Planning Unit: Jessamine County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Sustainable and Profitable Agriculture

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Understanding a producer’s forage quality is the backbone of providing a balanced nutrition plan.  Hay testing can provide data that producers and Cooperative Extension Agents use to ensure the nutritional needs of the animal are being met. Without a test, farmers are blindly feeding leading to wasted resources.  

The Central Kentucky Hay Contest was created to generate friendly competition among producers and educate producers about forage test analysis and the economic impact of the results. Eight central Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agents organized the contest and gathered samples from their county to be analyzed by the UK Forage team. In total, over 130 samples were analyzed.

Jessamine County had five participants with a total of 16 samples. A Jessamine County participant had the Overall Grand Champion entry with his alfalfa hay sample. Each participant responded that a better understanding of the results will help guide the supplement purchases in future years. One farmer reported the hay for the upcoming winter season met the nutritional needs of the herd, thus eliminating the purchase of supplemental feed resulting in a savings of over $1,000.   

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