Success StoryExpanding Your Horizons
Expanding Your Horizons
Author: Carmen Agouridis
Planning Unit: Biosystems & Agr Engineering
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a hands-on STEM conference for middle school girls and their parents. The day-long conference features a day of interactive STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) workshops for female middle school students led by UK undergraduate and graduate students and includes college preparation sessions for accompanying parents/guardians. The primary goal of this conference is to encourage middle school girls to consider STEM studies by providing them with memorable interactive workshop experiences, visible (female) role models in STEM fields, and exposure to different career paths in STEM. UK undergraduate and graduate students designing and leading these workshops will develop their outreach skills and build confidence in their own scientific and leadership abilities. Finally, parents/guardians who attend this conference with their daughters will gain insight into the college preparation process and learn skills to become better advocates for their children as they continue their studies in STEM fields. In 2017, 120 girls attended, and in 2018 to number of girls attending grew to 160. Funding is being sought for 2019 with the goal of 200 girls participating.
Participants at EYH 2018.
Stories by Carmen Agouridis

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Stories by Biosystems & Agr Engineering

Ecological Research Education Center Stream Restoration Project
Dr. Phil Crowley, former Director of the Ecological Research Education Center (EREC) approached me a... Read More

Louisville Nature Center Natural Play Space (part of KYMN)
As part of their capstone and volunteer requirements with the Kentucky Master Naturalist Program (KY... Read More
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