Success StoryExtension Support Enables Morgan County Farmers Market Success
Extension Support Enables Morgan County Farmers Market Success
Author: Sarah Fannin
Planning Unit: Morgan County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: 1. Local Foods Grow Local Dollars
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Romanticized versions of Farmers Markets do not accurately depict the hard work that is needed to grow, harvest, and successfully bring a crop to the consumers. From weather conditions and high input costs to labor shortages and lots of heavy toting, most folks do not appreciate the commitment, time, and chores that market farmers undertake. With a high level of food insecurity in Morgan County, especially among youth and seniors, it is even more important that these growers (primarily women) are enabled to both help meet the needs of our community and provide an income for their own families.
Extension personnel and Extension District Board provided the following services to strengthen the Morgan County Farmers Market and help grow its new leadership this past year.
*Made possible a new insured location with wifi access for vendor machines
*Secured Double Dollar grant funds and community donations for matching funds
*Conducted required trainings for WIC & Senior Nutritional program
*Promoted Farmers Market Week and other advertising
*Provided weekly activities and incentives to attract additional customers
*Connected growers to additional marketing opportunities and resources
As a result, the Morgan County Farmers Market was able to remain open, attract many new customers, increase farm incomes, secure over $4,000 in grants and donations, plus provide fresh, nutritional produce to approximately 500 senior citizens and WIC recipients. Growers and community members alike have expressed their appreciation for making this important resource possible.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment