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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryPre Prom Mock Accident and Trial Distracted Driving Program

Pre Prom Mock Accident and Trial Distracted Driving Program

Author: Kimberly Whitson

Planning Unit: Laurel County CES

Major Program: Building Healthy Coalitions

Plan of Work: Encouraging the Adoption of Healthy Lifestyles and Health Maintenance

Outcome: Initial Outcome


The CDC reports that age is associated with the dependenceon or abuse of illicit drugs. In the study, 60.6% of youths ages 12-17 weredependent on or abused drugs compared with 37.4% of young adults ages 18-25.Studies show that upon entering high school teens may encounter greateravailability of drugs, drug abuse by older teens and social activities wheredrugs are used.


In 2014, drug use and abuse were identified by the LaurelCounty Extension Council as a problem in the county and a need for more drugprevention programs for teens was proposed. In May 2017, The Laurel County 4-Hagent collaborated with the local chapter of the Kentucky A.S.A.P. (Agency forSubstance Abuse policy) board to bring the 8th annual Truth and Consequencespre-prom mock accident and trial program to over 400 Seniors at the two localhigh schools.


During the program, local community members; Districtjudges, county attorney's, Kentucky State Police, city and county lawenforcement, school resource directors, hospital personnel, Air Med, firstresponders (EMS) services and the ambulance service, along with members of the A.S.A.P. board, presented a mock accident and trial. Drama students from theirrespective high schools acted out a scene where they were involved in a caraccident on prom night due to drug or alcohol use. A mock trial followed theaccident where district judges and local attorney's presented a mocksentencing, according to Kentucky state laws.


Post Survey Results were:

1.      Did you attend the Mock Crash/Trialat your school?                       70%

2.      Did you attend Prom at you school?                                                 74%     

3.      Were you offered alcohol/tobacco/drugs the night of Prom?            20%

4.      Did you take alcohol/tobacco/drugs the night of Prom?                   19%

5.      Did you drive or ride with someone under the influence

         the night of Prom?      (reason given- was volunteer DD)                   7%

6.      Did you think about the MockCrash/Trial the night of Prom?             29%

7.      Did the Mock Crash/Trial influenceyou the night of Prom?                30%

8.      Did you discuss the Mock Crash/Trial with anyone?                          36%

9.      Did you use your knowledge from the Mock Crash/Trial 

         to influence anyone NOT to use alcohol/tobacco/drugs 

         the night of Prom?                                                                               24%

  11.   What part did you like best of the MockCrash/Trial?  very informative, great visual resource/guidance, the realistic cuts andbruises with the makeup, trial seemed very real, awesome that police and othercommunity people like that showed up, the ambulance workers talking to us aboutit, message will stay with me because it made me feel emotions I won’t forget,helicopter made it seem more real, the honesty from the students, Judges andthe attorneys at the trial, using our classmates got my attention


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