Success Story4-H Achievement Program

4-H Achievement Program

Author: Owen Prim

Planning Unit: Campbell County CES

Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)

Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development - Developing Oral and Written Communication Skills

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The 4-H Achievement Program gives youth experiences in goal setting, record keeping, planning and organizing, completing tasks and working with others.  Points are accumulated through leadership activities, civic engagement, communications/marketing, community action and overall 4-H participation.   In the process youth learn important life skills such as written and oral communication skills when filling out forms and applications, building a resume, keeping records and participating in interviews.  

 As a result of this agent and the 4-H Council promoting the 4-H Achievement Program and working with youth on their applications and practice interviews, the Campbell County 4-H Program had 6 youth receive recognition in the program this year.  This agent also serves as an area contact agent and serves on the state 4-H Achievement Program Committee.  This year C7 & C8 had 31 youth participate in this program.

 One of the questions asked on the 4-H Achievement Application Profile Page is-- How has 4-H Influenced you?  Here are some of the responses received from the youth:

                 “4-H has allowed me to explore what interests me and to set goals that I want to achieve”

                “Through 4-H I have been able to accomplish things that I didn’t think I would ever do”

                “4-H has given me confidence to try new things”

                “In 4-H I have made life-long friends”

               “Through 4-H I have learned skills such as leadership and public speaking that I will always use”   

               “Through 4-H I have found my passion of working with animals.  I hope to be a veterinarian one day”

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