Success StoryGallatin County Extension Homemakers Continue to Offer Outstanding Volunteer Leadership Skills
Gallatin County Extension Homemakers Continue to Offer Outstanding Volunteer Leadership Skills
Author: Ronda Rex
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to the Kentucky Extension Homemaker Manual located on the KEHA website (, Leadership Development is a journey of personal and community growth. This growth is supported by the University of Kentucky through its advisors and programs, participated in and developed by the agents and membership, and shared by the volunteer membership with each other and the citizens of the community around them. It is an opportunity for all KEHA members to build experience through training and practice, recognize their potential, lift each other up and work toward the future together. All members are encouraged to participate in opportunities for training and education to strengthen their potential, empower effective, energetic involvement and better serve our families and communities. They will share successes as well as failures, learn from them, and continue to move ever onward with each new challenge. Best of all, the joy and satisfaction of accomplishment will feed their confidence to grow as a person, community, and organization. KEHA encourages current and future leaders by providing opportunities to develop and sharpen leadership skills within the regular homemaker year, as well as a more deliberate leadership training program at the county, area, and state level.
Each year, one of the 8 counties’ Homemakers oversees the area meeting in Northern Kentucky. The area meeting is vital because it brings all 8 counties together to conduct their business meeting, fundraiser, and cultural arts event. The meeting also prepares the organization for the KEHA Convention in the Spring.
The Gallatin County Cooperative Extension Homemakers and their Family & Consumer Sciences Advisor, Ronda Rex, honed in on their leadership skills by not only hosting their County Homemaker Annual Meeting but also the Northern Kentucky Homemaker Area Annual Meeting both conducted in the Fall of 2023. A great deal of planning, preparation, organization, and collaboration was involved in both meetings. The goal of the Gallatin County Homemakers was to highlight the Gallatin County Community and at the same time support local businesses. Gallatin County Judge, Ryan Morris brought greetings from Gallatin County and focused on the Homemakers being the focal point of our community by showing how the community relies on Homemakers for various necessary events and fundraisers. Two local farmers provided pumpkins and honey as table decorations and favors. Lucy Deaton, a Gallatin County small business owner/caterer provided catering for both meetings with 164 registered Homemakers/participants at the area meeting.
For the area meeting, KEHA State President, Brenda Hammons, and Dr. Courtney Lueking from U.K. both brought greetings from the State Homemakers and Family & Consumer Sciences Program. Gallatin County musician, Tyler Mullins, provided music and songs during lunch and Homemaker, Melody Stafford, provided the entertainment for the day.
The Gallatin County Homemaker Council members plus a representation of all 4 Homemaker clubs in Gallatin County played vital roles in all the logistics of both meetings. The County Annual Meeting consisted of 49 Homemakers/participants (39 females and 10 males). Brandon Terrell, Gallatin County Emergency Management, provided the presentation for this meeting. Gallatin County had one of it’s largest representation at the area meeting with a total of 30 Gallatin County Homemakers (25 females and 5 males). A new Homemaker, Conte Flowers, gave the inspiration for both meetings which was a new speaking role for her. The Cultural Arts Event, which is a part of the County Annual Meeting had 59 entries resulting in 28 blue ribbons. The Cultural Arts Event for the Area Annual Meeting had 248 entries with 70 blue ribbons going to the State in May 2024.
Gallatin County Homemakers, Shirley Chipman and Lanette Morrison provided baskets for the County Homemaker fundraiser which took place during the county meeting and earned the Gallatin County Homemakers $270.00. Homemaker, Louis Hiles asked for donations from local businesses for the silent auction event for the area meeting. Louis’ donations along with other Homemaker donations earned the Area Homemakers $823.00.
According to the Independent Sector,,increase%20from%202021%20to%202022, Volunteers in the United States hold up the foundation of civil society. They help their neighbors, serve their communities, and provide their expertise. No matter what kind of volunteer work they do, they are contributing in invaluable ways. In its newest Value of Volunteer Time report, Independent Sector, with the Do Good Institute, announced on April 19, 2023 that the latest value of a volunteer hour is estimated to be $31.80, which is a 6.2% increase from 2021 to 2022. For Kentucky, it is $26.85.
The Gallatin County Homemakers’ Treasurer’s Report (January 2024) indicated that:
The Northern KY Area Homemakers paid $600.00 to the Gallatin County Homemakers to conduct the area meeting. The area meetings receipts totaled $3,880.00, expenses totaled $2,296.64 and the net proceeds from the meeting was $1,583.00. The $823.00 from the Cultural Arts Event will help the Area Homemaker Council with future expenses. The $1,583.00 will assist the Gallatin County Homemakers with the funding of future Homemaker scholarships.
In December, the Gallatin County Homemakers conducted their annual Holiday Treasure Hunt. It is also a fundraiser the raises money for their scholarship fund. Each year, a $1,000 Mayme Walters Homemaker Scholarship is given to a graduating high school senior. This year’s Treasure Hunt earned $429.00 for the scholarship fund.
Submitted January 10, 2024
Kudos to the Gallatin County Homemakers for hosting the Northern Kentucky Area Homemakers Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at the Boone County Enrichment Center. Thank you, Homemakers, for all your hard work putting together such a great day for all Northern Kentucky Homemakers to enjoy!
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