Success StoryCommunity Garden
Community Garden
Author: Jonathan Oakes
Planning Unit: Russell County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Improving Diet, Nutrition and Health
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Russell County has always had a strong heritage in vegetable production, whether it be commercial or home garden production. This year, in conjunction with Russell County Health Department and Russell Springs First Baptist Church, we were able to start another community garden in Russell County. The new community garden provides low income families, minorities and Senior Citizens with the opportunity to help grow their own food in the garden with other people in the community at no cost to them. This garden allows the Extension office to provide education on gardening, weed and pest control, disease recognition, and general applications in production of garden vegetables. As well as be a partner in helping members of the community secure more fresh and local foods.
The garden is completely funded by a grant received by the local health department, Part of the requirements in being part of the community garden is that the people who taking part in the garden must also donate part of the crops to food pantries in the area. Therefore, the participants not only benefit from the fresh produce, but also provide fresh produce to the less fortunate in the community as part of a community service project.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment