Success StoryCarlisle County 4-H Pancake Breakfast
Carlisle County 4-H Pancake Breakfast
Author: Daniel Bell
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Leadership Education, Community Collaboration, and Advisory Council Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Carlisle County Cooperative Extension Service hosted the 4-H pancake breakfast fundraiser December 10th, 2023, in collaboration with the Bardwell Masonic Lodge # 499. The pancake breakfast raised $410 that the Carlisle County 4-H council will utilize to further opportunities to engage local youth in learning opportunities. Every year the 4-H Council provides an opportunity for underprivileged youth to enter an essay for scholarships to attend West Kentucky 4-H camp. This will lower the financial strain for families and make it easier to send their children to 4-H camp where they engage with other youth in learning life skills and developing friendships with youth from other counties. Last year 100% of youth that applied for a camp scholarship received a scholarship. Volunteers from Carlisle County Homemakers decorated for the event the prior and Carlisle County 4-H council members donated their time to help with crafts. The event was a great success with at least 61 community members and their families enjoying a hearty pancake breakfast, youth participants were eager to join in several hands-on crafting opportunities and were able to take home their own unique holiday ornaments. The event would not have been possible without the help and support of the Bardwell Masonic lodge which provided 8 volunteers to cook and prepare breakfast, they also donated a large portion of the food that they prepared.
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