Success StoryAdvocates for Recovery and Prevention
Advocates for Recovery and Prevention
Author: Deborah Messenger
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Plan of Work: Thriving Individuals, Strong Families
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Justice, Drug Court was Kentucky's first Specialty Court program and has a long track record of significantly reducing drug use and criminal behavior. Instead of spending time in jail, Drug Court participants choose to complete a substance use disorder program supervised by a judge. Drug Court graduates are more likely to return to productive lives and stay gainfully employed, pay child support and meet other obligations. Individuals eligible for Drug Court have been charged with drug use or nonviolent drug-related crime, with their main problems stemming from substance use disorder. Drug Court combines close court supervision and treatment with other services to intervene and break the cycle of substance abuse and crime. Upon graduation from Drug Court, individuals are no longer under strict supervision and regulations from the court system.
The Cumberland County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent conducted financial wellbeing programs with Drug Court program participants. Through months of interactions with the Drug Court program and participants, the FCS Agent presented a proposal to take this to another level of leadership through the ESP LEADS 2 Cohort. This was approved and supported by the court system. A group of Drug Court participant graduates were referred by the Specialty Court system. These individuals met with the FCS Agent and agreed to be part of the project. Their stated desire and goal was to give back to the community and support others effected by substance use.
There are currently six participants in the Advocates for Recovery and Prevention group. The purpose is to focus on prevention activities in the community, support individuals in need of or in recovery and be a level of connection to their families as well. At present, the group has helped plan "A Night of Hope" which is a candlelight service with speakers to encourage those in recovery and their families with over 200 in attendance. The group also gave out anti-drug promotional messages advocating to over 250 youth in the county. The Advocates for Recovery and Prevention set a goal of being able to give scholarships to graduating seniors and in August of this year, they helped plan and host a jeep ride fundraiser that made over $2,000. This is the first scholarship fund of this type for Cumberland County and the group is put together guidelines for graduating seniors to apply and awarded 2 $500 scholarships in the spring of 2024.
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