Success StoryBeginning Farmer Series
Beginning Farmer Series
Author: Joseph Ray
Planning Unit: Boyle County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Home Resource, Financial Business, and Farm Management Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Over the last year Boyle County has had an influx of young, new, and beginning farmers move into the county. The beginning farmers range in farm background, experience, operations. The Boyle County ANR and Horticulture Agents have received many calls from beginning farmers on a wide range of subjects from funding opportunities to other resources.
To meet the needs of the growing number of beginning farmers in the county and surrounding area the Boyle County ANR and Horticulture Agents developed and implemented an educational program series during the fall months. The series focused on providing participants with a foundation of knowledge to build the farming enterprise with. The topics covered in the series included building a business plan and record keeping, an introduction to the FSA and funding sources, farm design and layout. University of Kentucky Extension Specialist were brought in as guest speakers for subjects and also utilizing partner organization such as USDA FSA, Kentucky State University, KCARD.
Of the participants from the first session 80% indicated their farming operation didn't have a business plan. After attending this session 75% of participant without a business plan indicated they are likely to create a business plan for their farming operation. 100% of participants who attended the second session learned about a new funding source. The third session covered farm design and layout, 100% of participants walked away having learned new considerations when planning farm infrastructure, also 100% of participants report they were likely to very likely to improve their farm infrastructure after attending this session.
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