Success Story2023 Cloverbuds Day Camp
2023 Cloverbuds Day Camp
Author: Dawna Peters
Planning Unit: Leslie County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Cloverbuds Day Camp is three fun-filled days of exploring science, creating fantastic arts/crafts, and making simple fun snacks! 4-H Cloverbuds is for youth who are 5-8 years old or in kindergarten through third grade. This is one of our most popular day camps and it always fills up quickly. It has grown tremendously in recent years.
Working with younger kiddos a is approached differently than the work we do with our typical 9 to 18 year olds. These programs are packed with fun educational activities. It brings the opportunity to show our youth and their parents what 4-H is all about. Each day begins with the pledge and each member leaves knowing what each H means and represents.
Cloverbuds brings youth from all over the county together as one and gives the opportunity to make new friends and be socially interactive. This program is designed to help children practice appropriate and positive interaction while in a social setting. Our ultimate goal is to always offer a safe environment to allow youth to try new things and build their knowledge which will help them build a healthy and positive view of themselves. It also allows the opportunity to gain new skills, develop new hobbies and to make choices based on their personal interest. Not only do they learn about themselves but others. Each day consists of different activities based on different subjects within 4-H.
For example, we always begin with the pledge and hand washing techniques. Each child washes their hands and sits down for lunch. A story is read that pertains to the lunch being served and the activities planned for the day. MyPlate is shown, foods served are related to the groups on MyPlate. Each child also has a coloring sheet of MyPlate. It is a goal to make sure each child has something to keep them occupied in the event they finish eating or doing a activity sooner than others. Once everyone is finished eating we move along to Art and Science activities. Science typically consists of a “field trip” taken within our office to a new location. At the end of the day, we settle down for a snack, a fun interactive game and discuss the best parts of our day.
Our Cloverbud program is successful because of teamwork. The teamwork aspects help participants develop a relationship with a caring adult or older youth helper. Team members include agent, program assistant, older youth who were previously Cloverbuds and 4-H teen council members serve as helpers, families and other extension staff are always on board to help. Just like the 4-H program for older youth, the purpose of the 4-H Cloverbuds is to help young children learn life skills to become competent, caring and contributing citizens.
I started Cloverbuds Day Camp in June 2017. We have 4-5 participants. The past two years we have had over 20 youth, 5 teen helpers, 5 adult helpers. The teen/older helpers were originally my very first Cloverbud kiddos. I also had previous Cloverbud participants come back and send items to the Kentucky State Fair. All Cloverbud participants filled out surveys with 100% saying they plan to come back next year. Some will be aging out of Cloverbuds and will move on to our 9-18 Summer Day Camps. I selected long term outcome because I feel Cloverbuds is the the stepping stones to a larger journey with 4-H. The skills and atmosphere experienced can benefit not only the participants, but everyone involved throughout life. Our Cloverbuds goal for the future is to acquire a volunteer who would start a Cloverbud club to meet each month.
One family who recently moved to Leslie County from California said, “We plan to come back next year and attend Cloverbuds, and any other programs offered. We have loved 4-H this summer. It was a great way to transition to a new area and community.
Another participant has attended for the past 2 years and will soon start kindergarten said her favorite part of Cloverbuds was the science projects each day. She really enjoyed Mr. Garry’s lesson on designing and flying airplanes.
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