Success StoryHam Radio: Alive and growing in Fulton County
Ham Radio: Alive and growing in Fulton County
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Emergency Disaster Preparedness
Plan of Work: To improve the stability, resiliency, and financial well being of individuals and families.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Amateur Radio, also known as Ham Radio, is a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide from the ages of young children to the elderly and across all cultures. The hobby unfortunately consists of elderly operators, until the recent years of Covid-19 where there has been an explosion of newly licensed operators looking for something to do and communicate with others. The Fulton County Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent held an introductory class in January 2023 to the community to learn about the hobby and introduce them to some radio operators from their local community. As a result of the preparations and planning for the meeting local emergency officials, ham radio operators began to discuss the need for a repeater that had coverage of far southwest counties of Kentucky (Fulton, Hickman, and Southern Graves) and was in Kentucky. The operators explained that there were repeaters that had coverage of the area but were in other states or located in the McCracken County area.
It was decided that the group would form the Fulton County Amateur Radio Club to begin establishing a new repeater, further their interest in the hobby, and educate the public. In February of 2023 the newly formed club selected the Fulton County Extension Office as their monthly meeting location and held their first meeting in February of 2023. Since that time the clubs as been able to establish a 2m and 70 cm repeater that has coverage in all counties of the Purchase Area. The group also partnered with the Fulton County Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent to offer a Technician Class series to teach unlicensed individuals the information needed to pass the entry level exam. The class met on Monday evening for 5 sessions with the 6th session on Saturday for the exam. The class consisted of 2 youth and 3 adults; all these individuals successfully passed the exam to become FCC Licensed amateur radio operators.
In addition, to the monthly meetings, and Technician class, the club also utilized the Fulton County Extension Office for the annual ARRL Field Day. The purpose of the field day is to introduce the public to amateur radio and practice setting up portable stations like those needed during emergency situations. During this event 28 individuals including youth were in attendance. The group is currently working on developing some activities for the 4-H members and plans to offer another Technician Class series beginning in January. Fulton County ANR Agent instructing the class on web-based radio resources.
Fulton County Amateur Radio Club member discussing how to build an antenna to club member, elected officials, and public during ARRL Field Day.
Fulton County Amateur Radio Club member quizzing the class.
Youth learning how to solder during ARRL Field Day.
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