Success StoryMaking Forages Work For You
Making Forages Work For You
Author: Traci Johnson
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Strengthening Agriculture Production, Management, and Marketing Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Educating cattle farmers is a high priority in Oldham County. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, cattle ranked 3rd in Oldham County for market value of products sold, representing over 2.6 million dollars. Oldham County beef producers include commercial operations, seedstock operations, plus several beef producers selling to customers in Louisville and surrounding suburbs. Good forage production and management are key in producing daily gains for animal growth and are critical for farmers producing forage-finished beef. In addition to managing forages, farmers struggle with muddy winter pastures from hoof traffic and tractor traffic moving hay.
Making Forages Work for You was designed to assist farmers in making decisions that would help them better manage and utilize forages, plus avoid muddy pastures in winter. The Oldham and Henry County Agriculture & Natural Resources Agents organized, promoted, and taught Making Forages Work for You in August 2023, covering the following topics:
- Forage Establishment
- Stockpiling Fescue
- Bale Grazing
Bale Grazing has been reported about in UK publications and agriculture trade journals often this year, and farmers were curious to learn more about it. Fifteen farmers attended the program and learned keys to successful pasture and hay field seeding; how to stockpile fescue and use it to graze in winter months; and how to set up a bale grazing system to reduce running equipment and moving hay in muddy winter months.
After the program, two participants indicated they would try bale grazing and stockpiling this season. One participant indicated he would be willing to host a field day for other farmers to see these practices in action.
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