Success Story4-H Lego Club Cruises into the National Corvette Museum
4-H Lego Club Cruises into the National Corvette Museum
Author: Christina Hogue
Planning Unit: Monroe County CES
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: LIfe Skills Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Lego Club “Cruises” into the National Corvette Museum
The Monroe County 4-H Lego Club is one of the county’s most popular clubs. Although it may not be a traditional club, its uniqueness allows for 4-H’ers to be very creative.
Each year, the Lego Club partners with Tompkinsville’s Ace Hardware for a showcase event. 4-H’ers improve communication skills and leadership skills. The success of this partnership caused the club leader to expand her scope for partnerships. The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky provided the opportunity for an amazing partnership our young 4-H’ers will always remember.
In April 2023, Lego leader and I began talks with officials at The National Corvette Museum. We provided a history and overview, as well as the goals and objectives of the club. The museum curator, educational director, Lego Club leader, and I met on several occasions to plan activities for the members. It was decided that the museum would display builds created by members in their educational center of the museum.
The Corvette Museum opened its doors to the Monroe County Lego Club. Club members were given a guided tour of the museum to gain inspiration for their builds. Each child found that one item, display or logo that spoke to him or her. Fifteen 4-Hers had a truly memorable day at the museum. With the assistance of the community and fundraisers, members were able to buy additional supplies to ensure they could build pieces that best reflected their inspirations.
After months of work, September 22nd arrived, and the Monroe County 4-H Lego club again travelled to the National Corvette Museum. The creativity of the members was on full display. Each club member presented their mosaic and 3D build to an audience of museum officials, other members, and museum visitors. They discussed their inspiration, process of creation, difficulties they encountered and overcame, and their favorite part of the experience. Following the presentation, members interacted with guests to create race cars and compete on a racetrack constructed as a group project by the club.
Museum officials were so excited by the partnership, they have invited the Monroe County Lego Club back to partner again. Planning is already underway for the next adventure!
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